FREE 3D Home Tours

FREE 3d home tour

We are Blessed!

I will get to the FREE 3D home tours shortly. I first want to mention what really started this “real estate community” giveback project of mine. I shared a post on Facebook yesterday reminding everyone of the endless blessings around us. Today more than ever I personally feel it. With so many suffering from the current pandemic and for my community hit by a tornado; if we are healthy and have a home to call our own we have so much to be thankful for. I actually prepared this Friday, before the tornado, but it rings even more true today. 

These past few weeks, my company has had the chance to grow exponentially. From adding a new member to our content creation team, taking time to update certifications and even take new courses. Going into this pandemic we did not know what to expect. Now my clients are thriving and I’m confident that their trust in themselves and me has something to do with it. Of course, there has been some negative. Customer service has got to be the slowest in history, call wait times are sometimes hours and Facebook still has not answered requests from March. As a real estate industry, I truly feel this event is advancing us for the better while reminding us what is most important to our clients. Now, I want to take some of my blessings and share them with you all. 

The FREE Virtual 3D Home Tour Part...

I have partnered with Zillow and soon Google to offer FREE Virtual 3D tours of your listings with the purchase of a real estate photography session. If you don’t need a full home photo session, there may be a small travel expense depending on the distance I will be traveling. But the tour remains FREE. These tours allow potential buyers to see every aspect of a home. In many cases it can not only replace showings, but the monotony of house photos. Let’s face it, house photos can get confusing. With a virtual tour, there is no question about the flow of the floor plan or where each bedroom is located. These tours give buyers a confidence to purchase a home without waisting time on less desirable homes.

For Small Businesses

3D tours may be what push your Google searches to the next level. Utilize the pandemic and empty facilities to maximize your future clientele. Virtual tours give your consumers the ultimate experience when searching businesses like yours on Google. They gain the ability to take their map search to the next level… they can virtually walk through your doors. See what it is like to shop or dine with you! If you are a small business impacted by this pandemic, I would love to talk to you. I have endless FREE information and guides to get you and your business ready for the best season of selling yet. From Social media, Google business and website direction to photography and 3D tours. I want to help you recover from this pandemic. 

Working Together

To me success is not money. I know plenty of financially rich people who have to employee their circle of “friends.” Success is the feeling of fulfillment and achievement when you have simply done your best. Lasting success is to be proud of your accomplishments and the positive impact you have made on those around you.

The most successful business owners and real estate professionals care about people, clients, colleges and their community all the same.  

I hope you all can continue to find positivity and growth in this time of confusion. I know if we work together we will all make it out humbled and in better shape than we went in. Contact me for your FREE 3D tour today and God Bless! 

Get started

CLICK HERE to view available packages or contact me to discuss custom options.


Or call 843.729.8956